(15 days ago) My two-week vacation to Vietnam drawing to an end, I take a slow, bumpy car ride past hoards of motorbikes and market stalls of dragon fruit to the capital city of Hanoi, with the taxi driver honking his horn every 20 to 30 seconds the entire 4 hour trip. Luckily it is a pleasant, jaunty trill that sounds like a little song to wake birds up. I need to get back to the big city so I can…
(14 days ago) …Spend the entire day at the Pakistani Embassy in Hanoi. This is just as boring as you would imagine, and does not result in the visa back to Pakistan I was hoping for so I have to…
(12 days ago) …Head to Saigon for one last day feverish day of shopping, sightseeing, and a relaxing massage and mud wrap to prepare me to…
(11 days ago) …Get on a plane to Doha, Qatar and spend a day in the Middle East just killing time before I…
(10 days ago) …Board yet another plane for a 14-hour flight to Washington DC since I have no visa for Pakistan and am not in the mood to be detained at the airport in Islamabad upon arrival. In addition to being extremely bummed by this, I also decide to concentrate on the positives, which include me getting to…
(9 days ago) …Spend two days in DC seeing fun people, eating great food, and applying for a new visa before I…
(7 days ago) …Hop on a plane to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Palm Springs and…
(3 days ago) …Drive up to Santa Barbara to hang for a day with the adorable Demmon and Lee families in the beautiful sunshine which fortifies me to…
(Yesterday) …Withstand a sudden drop to 28 degrees and a trip through icy Chicago to Frankfort, Michigan to…
(Today) …Wish my grandpa a very happy 90th birthday in person and witness the huge, surprised smile on his face when he sees my face which by all rights should still be in Pakistan. Silver lining indeed.